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Mission Statement
Everyone deserves for their story to be told, regardless of background or identity.
Hearth of Hope is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the brainchild of student activists who saw through the inequalities plaguing our society and hindering progress to discover auspiciousness. We envisioned holistic projects focused around creative documentation and interpersonal connections that would directly impact people’s circumstances so that they can experience life to its fullest.

What We Do
We sought after a world where struggling communities are not only given the support they need to thrive but also where the more-fortunate are emboldened to act. By sharing with you the unabridged stories of real people across the world, we hope to inspire you to realize the possibilities for opportunity, for they truly are endless.
Specifically, we collaborate with both local and global organizations, and after a series of interviews, interactions, and events with them, we publish the sensational and deeply personal essays our members write about their experiences with those organizations. This accomplishes two main goals:
1. We build bridges between different ethnic groups that are often similarly discriminated against yet rarely interact.
2. We expose these lives and stories to the public.
By speaking with the minds behind and the beneficiaries of these organizations, we hope to show the world that at the root, people often considered "exotic" are simply people, and they deserve to be treated with the same internalized respect as anyone else.
Letter From the Founder
How It All Started
I write to tell stories, and stories are all around us: in the weathered marble statues next to my favorite restaurant, in the crumbling façade of a historic museum, in the cars parked in the lot at school, and most of all, in the faces of every person I brush by. To me, empathizing with the incentives and sentiments of real people is the first step to a truer understanding. In this sense, Hearth of Hope is my offering to the world community. By meeting with people who experience lives that I could only begin to imagine on paper, I hope to show the world how far simple words can take solicitude and how far solicitude can take the world.
- Sherry